Roberta , Natasha , Lucas Randell

Where did they go ?


If you know  my mom Roberta, then you know she has danceing feet and likes to roam , never in one place for a long time. She passed this wounderful gift to me and my brother. So when we ran out of places to travel on our wounderful island that we will always call home. We traveled inland to a new place and settled down. We are happy and health but miss our family along with the smell of the ocean.

Roberta - finished collage , and is now managent of a horse and tree farm, she breeds dobermans in her spare time.

Lucas - is haveing a blast fixing up dirt bikes and raceing them around. He is hopeing to get a jeep to fix up as well.

Natasha - is the Youth Coordiantor of a local youth centre, and is learning to make graphics and websites in her spare time.